ISVC Abstract and Poster Guidelines
The 11th International Sheep Veterinary Congress 2025 will be hosted by the Australian Sheep, Camelid and Goat Veterinarians special interest group of the Australian Veterinary Association on the 27th to 31st of October 2025 at Novotel Northbeach, Wollongong, Australia.
The Congress theme is 'Healthy Sheep to Feed and Clothe the World,' and the program will include a broad range of themes, with a focus on improving the production, health, and welfare of sheep, camelids, and goats.
These themes will include:
- Small ruminant health and production in extensive systems
- Small ruminant health and production in intensive systems
- Individual animal medicine
- Sustainable livestock production systems and the environment
- Animal welfare
- Emergency animal disease management
- Education
- Public health/ zoonoses
The ISVC 2025 Program Committee is seeking abstract submissions for oral or poster presentations.
Abstracts Guidelines for Presentations
Submissions describing research, development, education, and extension related to sheep, goats and camelids are invited. Clinical projects, case series, or individual case reports are welcome and encouraged.
Note: All abstract submissions will be subject to review. Authorship will be blinded, and the abstracts will be reviewed by a panel appointed by the Scientific Program Committee. The final decision regarding acceptance will be determined by the scientific committee.
Authors should ensure that the following criteria are met in their abstract submission:
- The topic is relevant and scientifically sound.
- The subject matter is original or innovative.
- The paper must add to the knowledge base of the discipline.
Authors may submit multiple abstracts. Please submit two (2) copies of each abstract to assist with the blinding process.
- One copy with authorships and author’s affiliations clearly stated.
- One copy with the authors' names and clinic/company/organisation in the header and identifying comments in the body of the abstract removed.
The author ensures the abstract complies with word limits and format requirements.
Format of the Abstracts
- All abstracts should be submitted as Word documents.
- Title (top line): Title bolded in capitals. Centred.
- Authors and affiliations (2nd line): Names of authors with presenting author underlined
- All contributors’ clinic/company/organisation affiliations. (3rd line). Centred.
- Research hypothesis, objectives or clinical question
- Introduction
- Materials and methods, or case history (including any diagnostic tests/techniques and Ethics Approval (Human or Animal) numbers for research papers)
- Results or clinical outcome | Discussion and relevance to small ruminant production, health, and welfare.
A small paragraph with a few sentences on items 3 to 6 is sufficient
Program: Microsoft Word
Word limit: 250 words, excluding title, author names and affiliations.
Page limit: One page
Paper size: A4 paper (21 x 29.7cm), one side only, using single line spacing.
Font: Calibri
Font size: 11pt
Margins: LHS & RHS margins 3cm / Top & bottom margins 2.5cm
Set language to English (Australian) and spell check accordingly.
Paragraphs: One line to be left between sections, and no indentation is required.
Subheadings: Calibri, bold, 11pt.
The abstracts must be informative, and all the information must be in the abstract. Statements such as “...results will be presented...” are unacceptable.
Advertisements for commercial products must not be included; however, mentioning registered drug names and dose rates is acceptable if they are critical to the information presented. Abstracts should not contain citations to published literature.
Research Poster Guidelines
Authors should ensure that the following criteria are met in their Research Poster submission:
Posters must focus on research, clinic case reports or case series in small ruminant production, health, and welfare, reflecting new research or advancement of knowledge.
Posters that have been presented at other conferences (especially international conferences) within the previous three years are encouraged.
The committee will respond to you after applications have closed on 31 March 2025.
Poster format: No larger than ‘B0’ 1000mm (W) x 1414mm (H).
Please note submissions will only be allowed in the following formats:
- Jpg
- Png
- Jpeg
All presentation abstracts and poster submissions are to be submitted electronically using the submission portal.
- Review your user profile to ensure it is accurate and complete.
- Click the 'Login' tab to enter your abstract or poster.
- Follow the instructions to enter your submission.
- When all information is complete, please submit it.
- You can navigate through this site using the buttons on the top bar.
Abstracts for oral presentations must be submitted by 31 December 2024.
Reseach poster submissions must be submitted by 31 March 2025.
Authors will be notified whether their submissions are accepted for oral presentation by 15 February 2025. Oral presentation submissions received after 31 December 2024 will only be considered once those submitted by 31 December have been assessed and notified.
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